Elland C of E Junior, Infant & Nursery School (VA)

May God give us the courage to try, the will to succeed and hope without limits

Westgate, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 0BB



Year 6

North America



What we’ve been doing…

Gold reward

Year 6 finished of the term with a 'Class Quiz' for their Gold Reward. The winning team was called 'The Smartie Kitties!'  

Gold circle reward

Year 6 have enjoyed a visit to the park as their Gold Circle Reward, the children had lots of fun playing on the equipment, playing football or just generally enjoying the fresh air. Before we came back to school treats were also enjoyed.

What's Good For Us?

As part of our Body Health topic in Science Year 6 have been looking at food packaging and recording the  nutritional values that certain foods contain. They then decided if the item was healthy or unhealthy, the children were quite surprised that some foods they thought were healthy actually turned out not to be. All involved had lots of fun and would like to thank parents for sending the packaging  in, enabling  them to complete the lesson.

mental health awareness week

During Mental Health Awareness Week, Mrs Greenwood asked the children to complete a homework activity. They needed to share something physical that they enjoy doing that is good for their mental health. We received these wonderful examples from our pupils.

A Visit from a poet

Year 6 had a visit from the poet Matt Abbott. Matt spent all day in school delivering a workshop for the children. The children were split into groups of four and after inspiration from Matt they created a poem of their own. Each group then performed their poems to the rest of the class.  A big well done to Maks, Toby, Alfie and Cohen. At the end of the day Matt read some poetry for the children and held a question and answer session. The children really enjoyed the day.

DT Veggie Burgers

In DT year six have been creating Veggie Burgers the children have designed their burgers and labelled them, they have looked at why hygiene is important when handling food . Year 6 have also been shown knife skills to chop the vegetables correctly and safely. the children really enjoyed chopping all the various vegetables but the most enjoyable part was tasting the final product. Someone even commented that it was the best burger they had ever had.

Here are some pictures of the children enjoying their burgers.


Year six have had a very busy week learning all about algebra. The children have completed written work, have  worked out equations on their white boards and they have even had an active maths lesson. In pairs as they moved around the classroom to find and solve the algebra equations. Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed this section of the maths curriculum.

The Human body

In Science Year6 have been looking at the different components that make up blood. The children have created a fact file about these, recording what their job is and how important they are for us. In pairs, the children collected ingredients to make their blood soup! Lots of fun was had.


Year 6 have enjoyed a visit from Lucy to deliver a SCARF session in person. SCARF is the programme we use for our PSHE lessons. The children have learnt about keeping safe and making their decisions about situations to ensure their safety. They also watched a video about peer pressure. Lots of fun was had by both adults and children and the children were delighted to see Harold again.

More Circuits

Year 6 have continued with their circuit work and taken it to the next step. The children have made a pressure switch with a full working circuit to light a bulb. They worked in groups to achieve this and all groups completed the task . As an extension  they were then given an extra bulb to see if they could light up two bulbs using their pressure switch. 


Year 6 had lots of fun creating their circuits with just the components given. The children all wanted to be the first to light their bulb and worked extremely hard to achieve this, the group that lit their bulb first was group 4, a big well done to Freddie, Maks, Alfie and Seth.

Playing Together In Time

In music Year 6 are learning to play the xylophone. the children are learning to play a tune all together and are having lots of fun practicing . The staff are extremely impressed with the musical talent of the children.

Sewing It all up

In design Technology Year 6 have designed and created a Day of the Dead mask. The children used three different stitches to create their masks. When the masks were complete they evaluated their product and also one of their peers. The children really enjoyed this topic.

little freak

The year 6 children used drama and performance methods to portray their thoughts as the character. We  have been watching a film clip called 'Little Freak.' The children have really understood how he would feel to live the way that he does and to be part of the circus show. We are so proud of the children's writing from this, it was absolutely amazing! 

Things Are Looking Up!

Year 6 had a fun afternoon making their own periscopes in science. The children learnt that the mirrors had to be at a 45-degree angle for the periscope to work . The children put lots of effort in to ensure their periscopes were built correctly and enjoyed using them to see around and over objects.

Light up the world 2

Continuing with their Light up your World topic Year 6 have been looking at how light travels in a straight line. They were given the challenge of changing the direction of the light source using a mirror. The children went into this with enthusiasm and extended the investigation  by adding more mirrors to achieve their goal.

Funky Food Ambassadors

Today's Collective Worship was lead by the Funky Food Ambassadors. They had the whole school exercising in the hall and told everyone about the best ways to exercise and for how long each day.

Light up your world

In our Light up your World topic, Year 6 have conducted an experiment to see how our reflection differs in a flat mirror, concave mirror and a convex mirror. The children also tried to reach the focus point in a concave mirror so that their reflection was the correct way round. After the fun of the practical activity the children then spent time writing up their findings.


Beat the teacher!

Some of our Year 6 children have stared an intervention today to improve their 'Touch Typing' skills. 
I wonder how quick they will be able to type in a few weeks time. Will they be able to beat Mrs Bedford in a typing race?


For homework this week Year6 were set the task of researching North America to tie in with their geography topic . The children were told they could present their work however they wished, Maks created this amazing model of Yellowstone Park and also produced an information board containing different facts about North America. A massive well done to Maks for the time and effort he has put into a fantastic piece of homework.

Park Lane Visitor

Park Lane came to visit yesterday to talk to the year 6 children about the school, the children listened intently to all the exciting things the school has to offer and completed a maths puzzle which both staff and children enjoyed. As a bonus gifts were given to the children as well.

Wonder - Conscience Alley

Year 6 used a 'Conscience Alley' to act as our main characters conscience. They were telling Auggie reasons why he should and should not go to school. Auggie has a facial disfigurement and he has never been to school before. He is ten years old and his parents are thinking about sending him to school this year. 


Year 6 are reading the book' Wonder' the children have worked in pairs to record a conversation between Auggie's parents ( Nate and Isabel ) that was had during a car journey about their different opinions as to whether Auggie should  start going to  school.  Several pairs then read their conversations to the whole class.

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