Early Years
Early Years now have an Instagram account. Follow the link to see what they are up to each week! Click here!
What we’ve been doing…
Here at Elland CE we have some archaeologist in the making! Through our enhanced provision the children have enjoyed pretending to look at the remains of dinosaurs.
This area was a great place for the children to talk and investigate in a play based way.
Marissa The Mermaid
Today the children investigate materials that were waterproof and not waterproof. We received a letter from Marissa the mermaid asking for some help as her scales had gone missing and she needed something temporary until they grew back.
We tested a range of material and made predictions at the beginning by placing a pompom next to the material we thought was waterproof.
The children then wrote letters to Marissa sharing our findings!
Big Draw Session
During our big draw session this week the children complete a simple set of instructions to create a fish with scales.
Nursery were able to take part in some tummy time to promote fine and gross motor development.
Teamwork Challenge
Early years were challenged to work in small groups to create a submarine. We explore what a submarine was and how they might look inside. After discussing the features the children were encouraged to create a submarine in whichever way they desired.
Cutting Skills Challenge
This week we have enjoyed piecing together parts of dinosaurs. We carefully cut around our dinosaur skeleton before sticking them into the correct place.
Expressive Art
The children enjoyed making marks to the sounds whales make. The enjoyed creating line work that matched the frequency of the whales!
We learnt how whales communicate as well as reflecting on what we have heard.
This week adults have enhanced our sand area with dinosaurs. This reflects the interest of our pupils and has provided a great opportunity to explore and investigate. We learnt specific dinosaur names and tried to hunt for bones. The children also enjoyed creating footprints using tools as well as toy dinosaurs.
Prince and Princess day
The Carnival of the Animals
Mark Making
Art Gallery
Drawing Gerald
During Literacy Nursery enjoyed drawing a picture of Gerald the Giraffe in two groups.
The children made marks and gave meaning to them.
Emotional Regulation
Mrs Greenwood delivered the emotional regulation workshop to our EYFS today. We talked about how all feelings are ok, but it is up to us how to manage them. We listened to our feelings and behaviours to animals and we decided that being like a dog or monkey was best for being able to learn. We talked about things we can do to manage big emotions such as anger, or sadness by moving our body; calm breathing or playing with bubbles.
Animal Masks
Today Early Years started their animal mask project. We discussed this project last week and asked the children to think about which animal they would like to become for our Carnival of the animals display.
The children carefully listened to adult instruction and feedback to create their very own masks using paper plates, tissue paper, PVA glue, scissors and paint.
Row Row Row Your Boat
Today we turned our old water tray into a boat fit to sail the seven seas! The children loved this learning experience and used their imagination to create a story line.
Our trip to the local Library
A few weeks ago Early Years enjoyed their trip to our local library. We learnt how to explore book choices and take books home for pleasure.
Soup by the camp fire
Giraffe's Cant Dance
Giraffe's Can't Dance is our power of reading story. The children have been eager to read the story and have fallen in love with the character Gerald.
Some of our pupils wanted to create a large scale giraffe to be displayed in our school. They worked as a team collaborating their ideas and sharing resources.
Painting Silhouettes
In Early Years we are in the process of creating Safari themed silhouettes. The children learnt how to blend colours together using paint and a thin paint brush.
Eid Mubarak!
Four our Gold balloon celebrations Early years wanted to experience an Eid party! Thank you to one of our parents who helped to organise the event and gave Elland CE an insight into the celebration of Eid.
During our SCARF lessons Early Years have been learning all about money! The children explored some pretend coins and discussed how to look after our money carefully.
Snip! Snip!
Early Years Have been learning how to use scissors independently! Adults have created challenges to ensure children have the opportunity to explore their newly taught skills.
Farmyards and Maps
Early Years have loved our farm topic and have shown an interest in creating small world farms. The children used our map from the story 'What The Ladybird Heard' to arrange their farm into sections. The children were fascinated and wanted to learn more about the daily work on a farm. As a result our farm was transformed, our sheep now had a sheep dog close by to keep them in a herd, our dairy cow had her very own shed as well as horses having a large area to run in rather than a compact stable.
Outdoor Play "How goes the work?"
Easter Buns
Baby Sensory
Sensory Corner
objects of reference
heavy work
social stories
intense interaction
key word interventions
Cause and effect play
diversity in the doll's house
Willy Wonka's Chocolate Shop
Here is a great example of child led play! One of our pupils started out by using a range of natural resources to represent a range of chocolate treats. The pupil kept referring to Willy Wonka and his chocolate shop. Following on from our pupils interest one of the teachers provided a till and some numicon to represent amounts so that we could sell the chocolate. More children became fascinated with this learning opportunity and shared their ideas. We then added gloves to ensure food was not contaminated, tweezers to carefully select the chocolates, baskets, paper bags, reusable bags and an open and closed sign. Children then started to make chocolate in the playdough area and placed them into our chocolate boxes. Adults support children in the playdough to create various shapes and sizes.
Sensory Time
During our outdoor learning some of the children showed an interest in playing football. As a result the staff implemented cones and bibs to map out the game. Adults taught children how to play the game of football with some simple rules. Our aim is for the children to become independent in setting up this activity when they complete their outdoor busy jobs!
Water Play
tidy up time!
Adam O'Brien Halifax Panthers Co-Captain!!
The Penguin Egg Challenge is Back!!
Mrs. K found an interesting package in our cloakroom! We explored the stamps and took a sneaky peek inside. To our excitement we found lots of Emperor Penguin Eggs!!! We got straight to work creating safe spaces to protect our eggs. The children used lots of materials to creates houses, swimming pools and cars for their egg!
Design and Technology
During our busy jobs some students decided to create a boat fit for an Emperor Penguin travelling to Antarctica. The children explored using wooden blocks to build their structure. We then added a jug of water to the model to see how sustainable wood would be during a long journey to Antarctica.
How Many Paws Tall are You?
In early years we have been comparing our height against a male polar bear! We recently learnt that some male polar bears can be as tall as 7ft.Mrs T our fantastic teaching assistant made our pupils dreams come true by drawing a life size Polar Bear for the children to measure against.We have measured our height in paws and now have our very own height chart!
This term in P.E we are learning all about gymnastics. We have worked closely on travelling on apparatus in various ways as well as refining our jumping and landing techniques.We are given the opportunity to explore apparatus and are encouraged to combine movements so that they flow into a sequence.
Emperor Penguins
This term we have been learning all about Antarctica and the harsh conditions Emperor Penguins face daily. We have enjoyed taking part in a range of activities such as collaging an Emperor Penguin using glue and the skill of scrunching and overlapping tissue paper.We also enjoyed learning about colonies and huddles in which Emperor Penguins gather in to stay warm.
Lost and found
Reindeer run
Superhero training day
he Gingerbread Man Experiment
Christmas Corner
Our Home area has had a revamp! Following our children's interests we have added a small Christmas tree to our provision. Our pupils have enjoyed decorating the tree using their gross motor skills as well as talking about their traditions at home.
Matching Amounts
This week in math's we have been consolidating our understanding of numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5. Exploring various ways of represent and making a number.
We enjoyed playing a range of activities involving numbers 1-5. Here is a snippet of our matching game in which we matched the same quantity in various ways!
Exploring Snow
Story Maps
This week in Reception we have been learning how to draw story maps for our traditional tale 'The Gingerbread Man'L, PD & CL
Super Potato
The children arrived to a chaotic scene. There were vegetables fleeing the classroom. On further inspection, we noticed that ranges of vegetables have been trapped. The carrots were trapped under labels, the broccoli had been drawn on, the cucumber had been wrapped in toilet roll and the Brussel sprouts were trapped under a shopping basket. There was a note left from evil pea that stated, "You will never catch the evil pea. Be warned". The children were allowed to freely explore the classroom
Pirate Party Day - Gold Balloon
Parent Get Busy with Me Afternoon Autumn 1
We then finished the session with a peer massage to explain the importance of looking after our wellbeing and being kind to our mind.
Who will help me cut my lunch?
This term we have focused on the importance of being able to manage our own needs at meal times. Our pupils have been learning how to cut their own lunch using a knife and fork; as well as eating with a knife and fork.
Pumpkin Pie
AI Child Led
We talked about what we could do with the pulp such as make soup or pumpkin pie.
Bird Feeders
During our world health day celebrations the children placed bird feeder outside so that we could look after the wild life in our area. We recognise the importance of taking care of nature as well as our own wellbeing.Today during our outdoor focus time we investigated our bird feeders to see if any animals had used them! To our surprise their were visible marks to show that they had been used.
Our pupils were delighted!
What a success!
Winnie the Witch
Today we had a visit from our very kind witch Winnie. Winnie was a little shy but let the children play with her potions, brooms and spell cards.
The children dressed up in costumes to take on the role of a witch around the cauldron. Mrs. T helped the children make their very own broomsticks using branches and sticks.
Pumpkin Size Ordering
World Mental Health Day
Who Will Help me Make The Bread?
The Importance of Following Recipes
After exploring some of the clues left in our "bakery" the children wanted to use some of the ingredients found to make bread. The children in nursery thought that we might be able to make bread using flour and water after looking briefly at our recipe.
The adults encouraged the children to add water and explore their curiosity. However, we soon realised that we needed to follow the recipe to make bread. Our school cook came to the rescue and went through our recipe, we now know that we need all the ingredients, correct measurements and equipment before trying to make cook and bake.
Friendship Bracelet
Following on from our friendship chain challenge, some of our pupils asked the adults if they could use the spare paper to make a bracelets for their new friend.
The children freely selected the resources needed from the writing area. The children still worked with their new partner and even used sellotape independently to put their bracelet on their partner!
Who will help us clean this mess?!
After our fabulous 5 star hygiene rating, you can imagine the sheer panic and shock that somebody had made a mess in our "bakery"!!Luckily the children of Elland C'E were on the case. They looked for clues and explored some of the things left behind such as flour, red feathers and a bread recipe... We also worked as a team to clean our bakery. We then used our playdough to practise kneading and folding our dough.
The Friendship Chain Challenge has Returned!!!
One of our favourite challenges has yet again made an appearance this academic year. The friendship chain challenge encourages children to pair up with a partner they usually don't work with. It teaches the importance of sharing, listening to the wishes and needs of others, as well as compromising.It was wonderful to see that even though our chains broke, the children still worked closely with their new friend!
Enhancing Provision with signs
Who would have known adding a simple hygiene rating in our playdough would spark such imagination and wonder from our pupils.This simple activity has taught our children the important of keeping our playdough "bakery" safe and clean. Our children where determined to get a 5 star rating after our very first "inspection" in which the bakery nearly shut down!!
People Who Help Us
We Love Playdough
The Odd One Out
Afternoon Tea with Royalty
Who Will Save our Fair Maiden?
Learning New Skills
Sewing EADL, PD, EAD, SSM & CL
As part of our topic we decided to learn how to thread a jumper on our very own bear using a needle and some rainbow string. The children concentrated and listened carefully to instructions so that they were able to sew carefully. The children also focused on their hand and eye co-ordination.
Child Led Learning
During our "busy jobs" adults spotted wonderful learning led by students.Some of our pupils had selected to read the story of 'We are Going on a Bear Hunt' as well as using puppets to take on the role of a character.
We are Going on a Bear Hunt role play
Our core book this term is We are Going on a Bear Hunt. As part of our literacy lesson our pupils helped to create small tuff trays based of the settings we have discussed and explored in our story. The children worked in small groups to recreate the setting in trays whilst looking at the images in our large floor book to support their ideas. The children then had the opportunity to re-tell the story using small world figures and a large floor book as a guide. This activity allowed our children to explore the story physically as well as join in with repeated refrains. Following on from this activity we have now explored sequencing the settings in order as part of our understanding of stories and story structure.
Playdough Portraits
As part of our enhancements this week adults added face templates and mirrors to provision so that our pupils had the opportunity to explore portraits in abstract context. This activity also links to our next step of developing our fine and gross motor skills so that we can become effective and confident writers.
Vocabulary:reflection, unique, features, detail, roll, squeeze, shape and mould
Balancing Beams
This week we have learnt how to create our very own balancing beam based off our interest of pirates. Previously we made planks to jump off our pirate ship. however this week, we worked as a team to select resources and move boards into the correct position. To add more challenge we decided to add balls, bean bags and cones to our task. This meant that children had to work on their hand and eye co-ordination as well as learning how to carefully travel across our beam. The children started to pass the ball between cones to further challenge themselves.PD, fine motor & gross motorPSED, C&L
Discovering books around the stove
Child Initiated Play
R, C&L & BI
During provision our pupils selected a range of empty boxes and turned into “beds”. They carefully selected cushions and material to use as blankets. Their play progressed by using the boxes to have a comfortable reading experience. One of our pupils referred to camping next to the bear cave and wanted to create a “stove” so that they cook some food.
Vocabulary: reading, comfortable, cosy, camping, turning, looking, imagining, pretending
A Pirate's Life is For Me!
Our children have shown an interest in pirates this term. As a result we have followed their interest and allowed them to be in charge of their learning guiding the adults.
During our independent Busy Jobs some of our pupils decided to make an eye patch using string and large shapes. This week we have learnt our new pirate chant:eye patch, pirate hat, Swashbucklers cheer OOHHH ARGH!
Where will the wind take us?
We had a perfect opportunity to explore our great British weather. During our outdoor session the children where given the opportunity to explore wind and jumping in puddles. As an extension of this task Mrs G gave the children ribbon so that they could explore the feeling of material blowing in the wind as well as encourage vocabulary and repetition of our core book We're Going on a Bear Hunt. The children loved repeated phrases of our story as they traveled around our outdoor unit.
Vocabulary repeated refrains:
Swishy Swashy, HOOOO WOOOOO, Squelch Squerch, Splish Splash, Splosh Splash
Funky Fingers
Tummy Time, Doodle sticks and Scissor skills
Adults in early years have encouraged our pupils to explore fine motor and gross motor activities. During our ‘Busy Jobs’ we have introduced tummy time in which the children are encouraged to make large, doodle sticks in which they use large muscles to make letter formations and shapes in the air and scissors skills to support our finger strength as well as learning a new skill.
We have had lots of fun exploring the many ways we can make marks and draw pictures.
Whatever the Weather
Our pupils have been learning how to put on their all in ones and wellies when completing outdoor busy jobs. This is a part of our ethos in which we encourage children to become independent within their ‘busy jobs’. Our activities have been carefully planned based on our children’s interest of pirates and paint as well as the need to develop both our fine motor and gross motor skills to enable us to effectively write!
We have enjoyed scrubbing the deck of our pirate ship the Great Jolly Rodger. The children used soapy water to clean the windows and scrub the deck of our pirate ship!
We have also enjoyed using powder paint to explore making marks outside as well as painting our friendship bench!
New vocabulary
Scrubbing, brushing, wiping, cleaning, pirates, Jolly Rodger, mixing, painting, stroking, splashing, pouring, squeezing.
Next steps in action
Having reflected on our previous work and adults noticing a need for fine motor intervention, we held our first BIG DRAW. Our first session focused on following instructions, holding our whiteboard pens correctly and making marks that represented our faces.
We learnt how to sit smartly with our boards, pens and rubbers and how to look after our pens. We then followed instructions and small steps on how to draw a face.
We recapped previous learning by talking about face features and how to position our pens and move them in the correct direction when drawing a circle.
New vocabulary:
First, second, third, finally
Curved, round, long, short, thin and thick
There is a Brown Bear in our Playground…
Mrs Riley managed to take a picture of the Brown Bear as he stood proudly on our steps. The children began to wonder where Bear’s live and if he might be lost.
This created a class discussion in which the children suggested many great ideas. Bears live in forests, woods and caves. As a result the children where set off with a task for creating a cave for Brown Bear if he comes back this evening.
The children worked in a small team to make a cave that was wide enough for our bear. They used a range of boxes and construction material.
We are Going on a Bear Hunt
BI, PD, L, C&L & M
Mrs Kelly saw a Brown furry shadow in our playground. The children thought it might have been a Brown Bear. As a result the children wanted to explore our outdoor environment to investigate. We packed a bag with camouflage clothing, gloves, notebook and pencil and magnifying glasses. The children decided we might also need a bucket of water, fish and a teddy bear because the Bear might be thirsty, hungry or need a friend.
During our investigation we found lots of clues. We found scratch marks on our tree bark, footprints small and large. We also noticed our fence was broken with pieces of wood missing.
Following the interests of children CI
Areas of development- EAD, PD & CL
One of our pupils wanted to make the colours brown and pink for skin tone. We took this opportunity to learn about mixing colours. We used our colour chart to select the appropriate colours. Adults modelled how to get the correct amount of paint and mix using a paint brush.
Whole class lesson on mixing colours AI
Following on from our pupil’s interest we created a lesson on mixing colours. The children each selected two colours and painted them on their hands. They then mixed the colours by rubbing their hands to see what new colour they have produced!
Creating Independence during Tidy Up Time
This term we are encouraging children to become independent during their busy jobs. We learnt how to wash up after using paint in the creative area. The children learnt how to use a sponge and warm soapy water to remove any paint from our trays.
Once the trays had been cleaned the children learnt how to dry their trays using a paper towel.
We also learnt how to clean down our tables and easels using hot soapy water, sponges and paper towels.