Elland C of E Junior, Infant & Nursery School (VA)

May God give us the courage to try, the will to succeed and hope without limits

Westgate, Elland, West Yorkshire, HX5 0BB



Year 5 & 6

North America



A message from Winston July 2024

Our inspirational My Voice Matters project is about to draw to a close this week and whilst this makes me rather sad I have some good news...

 Over this term (and programme twelve of the programme) teaching year six classes at all ten of the Elland cluster schools I have been beavering away working on an inter-schools project. Something that I hope will represent everyone in the cluster who is moving on to secondary education next year. Something that I hope will be a little finale to our project.

This was an exercise I devised for transition. One where we celebrated the things that made us all unique and different but yet, at the same time, the things we all share which unite us.

 I hope you like this film. Apologies if it's a bit shaky.

Thank you all for letting me work with your pupils.

Best Wishes


What we’ve been doing…


Year5/6 have started the book Wonder. As part of their lesson they have worked in pairs to record an argument between mum and dad about whether Auggie should go to school or not. Some of the children then performed their arguments to the rest of the class.

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