Year 1
Year Overview
What we’ve been doing…
Pirates Ahoy!
Year 1 have been working really hard during their recent Design Technology unit of work. They designed their own pirate flag or eye patch and practised a basic running stitch before they joined at least two pieces of fabric together to create their finished product. Sewing is very tricky but we think they did a wonderful job, demonstrating determination and perseverance. Well done Year 1.
Helping Others
Y1 have been lucky enough to get the Attendance Award a number of times and each time we do, we get £5 for the class. We sat down before Christmas and wondered how we could spend our well-earned awards. We decided we would like to use it to help Overgate Hospice. Here is a picture of us presenting our cheque to Overgate Hospice. All the staff are so proud of the children for their care for others.
Grandad's island
This week, year 1 are reading a new class text "Grandad's Island" by Benji Davies. In preparation for our extended writing, the children were given the opportunity to paint an image of what they think Grandad's Island might look like. The children loved painting coconuts, hammocks and waterfalls!
Golden Balloon Treat
Year 1 enjoyed their "Dress as you like day" as their Gold Balloon treat. All the children in Year 1 were on the balloon after demonstrating fabulous behaviour in class and around school since the beginning of the school year. Well done Year 1!